Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just for fun!

Should there really be a unit in the Swiss textbooks about Halloween?? If other countries are going to do Halloween activities, shouldn't children learn the history of the celebration and not just about symbols that are meaningless until the history is known? It seems very strange to me that many Swiss embrace the symbols of Halloween and also spend goodness knows how much money on witches and spiderwebs without really knowing what it's about.
Here's a link to Unger's view on it!
Thanks for the picture, Kathleen!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Random thoughts

So it's the third day of our PBL saga. And below I summarize my feelings:
1) Students should write the problems;
2) What we did in three days we should have done in two days;
3) We should be clearer in the fact that we had a concrete plan but that we are willing to change it - this is not meant to be confusing but rather accommodating.
I don't really know what's going on but I'm getting very strange mixed messages from the students and no real concrete feedback.

On the other hand, isn't it a chance to say "Well, since things are so vague, I can choose something that really interests me in terms of of strategies and go with it". Up to now, everyone always says what is necessary but here's a chance to define it yourself. When I think back to my studies, I remember horribly boring lectures and perhaps I'm now giving some of those. But at the same time, I think that this Lernfeld is a chance to really say "I will tolerate a few really boring lectures because I know I can individualize what comes next". And do the work :)