What's the difference between "forward-looking" and "looking forward"? An initial thought leads to time: are forward-looking things less probable because they take place in an undetermined point in the future? Are things you look forward to more concrete, in the shorter-term and thus more probable? Who knows - but it is sure fun to think about it!!
I am looking forward to this upcoming semester because:
- I get to teach a lot!
- My grandfather is coming from the US and we get to go to Lauffen am Neckar (http://www.lauffen.de/portal) and take a trip through time.
- I get to go to the mountains (http://www.nationalpark.ch/) with Ally, Zoe and Patrick.
- I get to go to the Leonard Cohen concert in Zurich (http://www.leonardcohen.com/) with Patrick!
- I get to go to the zoo with my students.
Somehow it seems a bit simplistic, but isn't it these simple things that keep us happy?
You write very well.